September 19, 2024

Die holes are used in finishing the production of metal wire to determine the diameter of the wire. Conventional dies are carbide wiring drawing dies. They have a very short life expectancy. Because of their long lives expectancy, our diamond wiring dies have been very popular. Also known as burning or polycrystalline diamonds, sintered or synthetic diamonds can also be called burning diamonds.

Natural diamond dies are made from stones that have been selected according to specific criteria’s (weight, purity and tension, stress and stress). This will ensure stones can withstand the wire-drawing process and maximize the amount that can be repolished. The best suppliers of polycrystalline blanks are important to ensure that PCD is done in a way that maximizes both surface and longetivity. PCD blanks must be subject to regular testing before they are approved. More info about Diamond Drawing Dies.

Respect and repeatability of the geometries

For multiline machines, it is essential to achieve the required geometry. This reduces the chance of wire breakages and premature wear.

Profi l blend

The angle changes inside the die needed to be blended together. This may prevent the formation metal dust and swarf from contaminating the lubricant baths.


The mirror polishing (or polishing) of the wire allows you to reduce stress and eliminate defects during the drawing process. It is essential for the fi-nishing dies to be able to polish the wire’s surface.

Mounting powder

Mounting powder should be strong, and it must also have heat-resistant properties. It is essential to encourage the longest possible life span for the simplest of dies.

There are many kinds of wire drawing dens made from diamond. This means that the most critical factor in coiling efficiency is the mounting method of the diamond into base materials. Get more info about nano dies for cable stranding. For more info about Diamond Drawing Dies, Visit our website.

Szwiredie can supply you with the highest quality wire drawing and polishing dies from China and other parts of this planet. Szwiredies can be tailored to meet your needs. We can also assist with designing the drawing die’s size and geometry. We want to establish a permanent company representation and will collaborate with Engineering research centers for further researches and testing to improve the quality of our wire drawing, Nano and diamond dies as well as tube drawing dies using advanced technology. Read more:

Our vision for Wire Drawing Dies and Precision Tooling is to be the most preferred global supplier for wire and cable drawing dies and tooling. To be the reliable supplier who offers consistent quality, applications knowledge, performance value, supply chain efficiency, and the competitive edge that customers require in a global market, we are striving to achieve this goal.